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Let Freedom Ring!

July 4th is the day that we as a nation celebrate the Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of Great Britain.  The signing of this declaration by fifty-six men set forth a nation down the road of freedom.  

Down the road of freedom many people fought and gave their lives so that we can remain free.  I’m am so thankful for those that gave their lives so that we can live free.  

I’m a thankful that I was born in this great nation and I still love in the greatest nation in the world.  

For 247 years now we are a nation that is still free and it would do us good to remember that freedom is never free, it comes with a great price.  

We are free means that men and women down through the ages paid a great price and sacrificed for generations of people that they would never know.  

We should never forget about what one man, Jesus Christ did for us, some 2,000 years ago, on Calvary’s cross to set us free from sin and shame.  The sacrifice of His life, His death, His burial, His resurrection paid the ultimate price for our freedom.  

Bill Gaither penned these words to a song, “Let freedom ring down through the ages from a hill called Calvary, let freedom ring wherever minds know what it means to be in chains, let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain, let freedom echo through the lonely streets where prisons have no key, we can be free and we can sing, let freedom ring.”

So, because of Jesus Christ, let freedom ring!  

Pastor Hatter

Steve Hatter

Pastor | Life Tabernacle | Hastings, MN

Pastor at Life Tabernacle. Husband to Tammy & Father to Kyle & Katie.

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